SOCI 1001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Debt Relief, Double Consciousness, W. E. B. Du Bois

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Systemic racism is usually fronted or influenced or even caused by the state or strong organizations with power that are tied to it. (political parties, military, police force etc ). Government creates policies that are racist and seek to undermine certain ethnic groups. Cultural racism is created within the people, although usually supported by the state. Driven by cultural norms and beliefs by what we think is beautiful, what"s normal, what"s right. Cultural values of dominant group are only acceptable values. Blacks are forced to try and act white and supress their blackness but even that doesn"t work. Blacks don"t really have an identity since they cant display african heritage and aren"t white. Whatever whites value, wear, listen to becomes cool and the norm. Du bois argues that aa culture must be maintained to allow black communities to flourish. Whites take some aspect of black culture and turn it into mainstream to create new cool .