SOCI 1001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ascribed Status, Social Group, Status Symbol

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Document Summary

Social interaction- is the process by which people act toward or respond to other people and is the foundation for all relationships and groups in society. Social structure- is the stable pattern of social relationships that exist within a particular group or society. This structure is essential for the survival of society and for the wellbeing of individuals because it provides a social web of familial support and social relationships that connects each of us to the larger society. Social marginality- is the state of being part insider and part outsider in the social structure. Robert park- coined this term to refer to persons (immigrants) who simultaneously share the life and traditions of two distinct groups. Stigma- is any physical or social attribute or sign that so devalues a person"s social identity that it disqualifies that person from full social acceptance. Status- is a socially defined position in a group or society characterized by certain expectations, rights, and duties.