RELI 2732 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sheol, Nishmat, Paul The Apostle

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Compilation of quotes to study for the midterm. You come to life a second time you thrive on water, you breathe air, Your eyes are given you to see, your ears to hear what is spoken; Your mouth speaks, your feet walk, your hands, your arms have motion. Your flesh is firm, your muscles are smooth, There is no fault in what is yours. (c. 1550 1069 bce) . Let my mouth be to me that i may speak therewith. Let my legs be to me that i may walk therewith. Let my arms be to me that i may overthrow the foe therewith . I know how to use my heart . I am master of my hands and arms. I have the power to do that which my ka desires to do. Gather your limbs, shake the earth from your flesh! Take your bread that rots not, your beer that sours not,