RELI 2732 Study Guide - Final Guide: Interworld, Cosmology In Medieval Islam, Barzakh

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Ruh the devine spirit, the life breath of god that animates the person. Outer ring: the visible material of the world. Middle ring: the imaginal beings (like the inbetween state of death and the gods) Inner ring: the world of pure light (angels & god) *imaginal: something that can appear in any shape or form, something that happens in form that sho(cid:449)s it(cid:859)s (cid:373)ea(cid:374)i(cid:374)g. The garden is a place of beauty, where it is never too hot or too cold, and the fortunate ones lounge around, wearing silver jewellery and drinking from silver goblets. The questioning in the grave by the angels munkar and nakir. A bridge stretched over the gulf of hell, sharper than a sword and thinner than a hair. No cremation, embalming, or autopsy (unless required legally). Eyes and mouth closed, lain on right-hand-side, washed by people of the same sex, shrouded in plain white cloths.