PSYC 2800 Study Guide - Biological Neural Network, Neuropsychology, Synesthesia

51 views18 pages
10 Jul 2014

Document Summary

In psychology, used to refer to the processes of thought: language, memory, etc. Ways in which words are put together to form phrases, clauses, or sentences; it is proposed to be a unique characteristic of human language. It allows humans to have a language that moves beyond the concrete world of the here and now . Cognition and the association cortex: association cortex, neocortex outside of the primary sensory and motor cortices that function to produce cognition, one of the key difference between association cortex and the primary. Sensory and motor cortices is the pattern of connections. The association cortex receives information that is more highly processed than information received by the primary cortices. Sensory and motor events into a unified perception or behaviour: one solution: regions of the association cortex are multimodal brain regions. Imagine navigating in an unfamiliar locationthen not sure how to get back to your hotel.