PSYC 2700 Midterm: Forensic Psych Midterm Review

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Imposition of a legal sanction on persons convicted of an offence . Purpose (on exam sa: denunciation: sending a message, specific deterrence: specific to a person, general deterrence: prevent criminal behavior from the rest of society, incapacitation: stop someone from committing crimes, rehabilitation, reparation: a fine, promote responsibility. Principles (on exam sa: a sentence must be proportionate to the gravity of the offence, a sentence must be proportionate to the responsibility of the offender. Aggravating: increases sentence, e. g. offender was in position of power. Not very effective: punishment results in higher rates of recidivism. The death penalty: canada: abolished in 1976 (general) /1999 (military crimes, us: 3,054 on death row legal in 32 states: disadvantages. Sentencing disparity similar: sentences may be different even if crimes and circumstances are o, studied via: Attitudes towards sentencing: public opinion polls. Low confidence in the cjs (but better than compared too other countries) Support alternative sentencing practices: focus groups.