PSYC 2700 Study Guide - Final Guide: Coding Theory, Principles Of Grouping, Lexical Decision Task

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Lecture 9: the 2 types of knowledge are procedural and declarative knowledge. Procedural knowledge is the knowledge of how you do things, it is acquired through practice and once it is acquired it hard to change or extinguish. Declarative knowledge are the things that you know, things that you have experienced, it is acquired through organization (not randomly stored) and it is more easily forgotten: the 2 types of declarative knowledge are episodic and semantic knowledge. Episodic knowledge is the knowledge unique to the individual that has temporal tags (remember when it happened). This is studied by showing participants a list of unrelated words and measuring subjective organization by looking at which and how many words are recalled together with repeated trials. This is based on the idea that our knowledge consists of sets of features. These features differ in how important they re in defining the object.