PSYC 2600 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mount Everest, Amate, The Need

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Evolution and natural selection: all humans today come from an unbroken line of ancestors who accomplished two tasks: They survived to reproductive age and they reproduced. Natural selection: darwin revolutionized biology by proposing a theory of the process by which adaptations are created and changes take place over time natural selection. Hostile forces of nature included food shortages, diseases, parasites, predators and extremes of weather: darwin awards somebody has done something so stupid that the have taken their genes out of the human gene pool. Some characteristic that somehow makes you more likely to reproduce. Peacock feathers don"t help with survival, but help with mating. Stag antlers also don"t serve a purpose and they fall off: he identified two forms of sexual selection: Intrasexual competition: members of the same sex compete with each other for sexual access to members of the other sex. You have two individuals of the same sex that are competing for the other sex.