PSYC 2400 Study Guide - Insanity Defense, Prima Facie, Ground Truth

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Elements that must be present for criminal guilt: actus reus. : a wrongful deed (the act: mens rea. : criminal intent (the intent to perform the act) Must be found beyond a reasonable doubt for a guilty verdict to be reached. Unfit to stand trial: an inability to conduct a defence at any stage of the proceedings on account of a mental disorder. How mental illness affects if a crime was committed and if there was intent. Whether the person can help prepare their defence understand what"s going on: must be coherent. Unfit to stand trial if (due to mental disorder) unable to: understand nature or object of proceedings, understand possible consequences of the proceedings. Must understand that they could be given a sentence: communicate with counsel. 5 day limit to determine if fit to stand trial. Can be extensions, but not over 60 days.