PSYC 2400 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Offender Profiling, Polygraph, James Mckeen Cattell

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Narrow definition of forensic psyc: focuses on certain aspects of the field while ignoring the others. Ex: focusing more on clinical and ignoring experimental. Professional practice of clinical psychology focusing on assessment and treatment of individuals within a legal context. Broad definition of forensic psyc: examines human behaviour that relates to the legal process. Clinical- professional practice of psyc within civil and criminal law. Experimental- research that examines aspects of human behaviour directly related to the legal process. Clinician: mostly interested in mental health issues pertaining to the legal system. Researcher/experimenter: like a clinician, they"re focused with mental health illness issues pertaining to the law, and any research that relates to the law or legal system. Legal scholar: focus on mental health law, policy analysis, and legislative consultations. Psychology and the law: the use of psyc to study the law or legal system. Police lineups, characteristics of jurors that impact their verdicts.