PSYC 1002 Study Guide - Prenatal Development, Preterm Birth, Primitive Reflexes

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Interested in change, either how much or little change has occurred. The study of how humans grow, develop, and change though the life span. Development: conception to birth the sequence of age-related changes that occur as a person progresses from. Special considerations: post hoc fallacy false assumption that because one event occurred before another event, it must have caused that event. Causal relationships, ignores other possibilities for the relationship: children"s development influences their experiences, but their experiences are also influenced by their development (bidirectional influences) Continuous or stages: development can occur in stages or continuously. Stability of personal characteristics over time: stability indicates that it is genetically predetermined. Gene-environment interaction the impact of genes depends on the environment in which the behavior develops. Nature via nurture genetic predispositions can drive us to select and create particular environments: this often appears to be a pure effect of nurture.