PSYC 1002- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 64 pages long!)

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1 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Steele and aronson, titled stereotype threat and the intellectual test performance of african. It addresses the issue that in north america, most minority groups test lower than the white majority on most iq tests. Students were divided into these 3 types, and divided by being black and white. Each instruction had 19 students of each race taking them. The only difference was the difference in instructions: the fourth study that the two men did was that they took an even number of black and white students, and gave them identical instructions. Before the experiment started, they asked background info of the students. Half of the students in the study had to tick off what race they were. The other half did not have that box in the background questions: having the race questions made the black students do worse than the white students. Because minority groups are given stereotypes, these groups are forced into behaving according to these stereotypes.