PSYC 1001 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Operant Conditioning, Classical Conditioning, Observational Learning

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Q 1: at preschool, courtney has learned that she must wash her hands before snack-time in order to get a snack. At home, however, her parents do not check to make sure she washes her hands. When she is home, courtney does not wash her hands before eating. Which process does courtney"s behaviour illustrate: stimulus generalization, response discrimination, stimulus discrimination, response generalization. Q 2: which of the following occurs when an organism learns a response that prevents some aversive stimulation: secondary learning, escape learning, punishment, avoidance learning. Q 3: operant responses are typically established through a gradual process in which closer and closer approximations of the desired response are reinforced. What is this process called: discrimination, modelling, learning, shaping. Q 4: why are primary reinforcers effective: we want approval for our actions, they satisfy biological needs, they have been associated with secondary reinforcers, the organism has learned to desire them.