PSYC 1001 Study Guide - Language Acquisition Device, Metalinguistic Awareness, Fast Mapping

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Cognition: mental processes we used to acquire knowledge. Involved how information in processed and manipulated when we are thinking in any. Language: form of communication based on a system of symbols that can be combined in a variety to convey different meanings. Structure of language: structure of all human language is characterized by four main components, phonemes. : smallest speech unit can be distinguished perceptually. Each letter can have more than one: morphemes. : smallest units of meaning created by stringing together phonemes together: semantics. : understanding meaning of words and word combinations. Words can have both a denotation (dictionary meaning) and connotation (words emotional overtones and secondary implications) : rules about how words can be arranged into sentences: syntax. William"s syndrome: characterized by unique combination of expressive verbal skills, extremely low iq limited spatial motor skills, great disparity in verbal and motor skills. Structure of language acquiring language problem solving decision making - heuristics.