PSCI 3307- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 40 pages long!)

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Religion and human rights both consider a notion of codes or laws/rules. Treating each other with equality is a universal concept. Someone creates the printing press and allows books to be mass produced. Slowly changes to becoming about a variety of things. Martin luther"s protestant reformation spreads all across germany within weeks thanks to the printing press. Example of how it made ideas easier to share (in this case it was the idea of individualism and self-ownership) Authority comes from logical interpretation of scripture. People should figure things out for themselves rather than just trust whatever the church tells them. The truth compels here i stand i can do no other . For these reasons religion is best left to be decided by the individual. St bartholomew"s day massacre (pogrom kills 20,000 french protestants) Essentially a peace deal to stop the wars. The king (henry the 4th) agrees to convert from protestant to catholic.