PSCI 2002- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 14 pages long!)

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Lecture notes for chapter 6 - ethnocultural minorities. Statistics on ethnic origin are not as accurate as those on mother tongue because many canadians are of mixed origins and many prefer to call themselves simply canadian. nevertheless, those of british background are still a majority in canada. Since the aboriginal and french minorities were discussed in. Chapters 4 and 5, by ethnocultural minorities, we mean non-british, non-french, and non-aboriginal groups. The term includes visible minorities (non-white, non-caucasian) as well as non-visible minorities (white but not british or french). The distinctions among different white groups have declined in significance, so the main issues in this field today concern immigration and visible minorities. As aboriginals know only too well, canada is a country of immigrants! Besides french and british, settlers came from all the european countries (germany, italy, ukraine, netherlands, poland, russia, etc. the united states, and then visible minorities (india, pakistan, china, Blacks from the u. s. , caribbean, and africa), latin americans,