NEUR 2200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Tomboy, Harry Harlow, Autonomic Nervous System

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The study of the relations between brain function and behaviour. Birthed in the 1860s when french physician ernest auburtin, argues that language was produced in the brain"s frontal lobes. Several days later, another french physician named paul broca observed a brain injured patient who lost the ability to speak. The patient soon died and the two physicians examined the man"s brain and found that the left frontal lobe was focal point of injury. Brocca found 8 more similar cases and concluded that speech is located in the third frontal convolution of the left frontal lobe- a region we now call broca"s area. Allows scientists to view parts of cell (a), complete neuron structure (b), view synapses at high magnification and construct three-dimensional images of brain structures. Used histology techniques to map out cerebral cortex and divide into many sub regions. Healthy substantia nigra rich in the cell bodies of dopamine neurons,