NEUR 2001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Type I And Type Ii Errors, Sampling Bias, Sample Size Determination

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Population is a group of people that have a characteristic in common. Sample size rule of thumb is 10 it"s a good ballpark, but it"s not good enough to estimate. E= total number of animals total number of groups: e degree of freedom of analysis of variance (anova, you aim for e to be between 10-20. You want to use this method when: you have more than 2 groups, you can"t predict effect size, or standard deviation, there are multiple endpoints measured, complex statistical procedure used. Non-probability (population size is not completely known: convenience sampling, you are looking at raw numbers , most common because it is easy, but biased, volunteer vs. non-volunteer have different motivations. Improvement stating that there may be a biased: quota sampling. If you do need to switch, you have to run some tests before switching to see how it will affect the research.