[NEUR 2001] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (12 pages long)

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Tenacity believing something because there is a belief that it is true or because you were told that it is true. Intuition information gotten form a hunch or instinct no prior knowledge is available in the area of study authority: info is accepted because an expert in the field said it is. Quickest and easiest way to obtain info rationalism: info accepted because it makes sense only valuable f the premis statement is absolutely true. It must be specific and unambiguous operational definitions: procedure for indirectly measuring and defining variables that cannot be measured and defined directly. It converts an abstract construct into a concrete variable that can be observed and measured. Good ones are clear and precisely articulated types of varibales: situational, response, participant, mediating situational: describes situation or environment, most experimentally manipulated variables response: responses and behviours of participants. Population: entire set of individuals, must share a common characteristic.