[NEUR 2001] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (39 pages long)

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Document Summary

Entire set of individuals you are interested in. Can be as inclusive or exclusive as you want. Set of individuals that represent the population. Use sample to make inferences about the population. Generalizations from sample to population are accurate only when the sample is representative. A sample with the same characteristics as the population. Can occur as a result of selection bias. Sampling procedure favors the selection of some individuals over others. I. e asking university students as a sample is asking educated people when compared to someone who never went to school. Survey return rate: those who take time to return a survey are different from those who do it right away (care vs not caring) Researcher going door-to-door: may avoid homes with lots of stairs; people on ground floor may differ in important ways. Larger sample size, more representative of population. Find a balance between having enough participants vs. having too many participants.