MATH 1004 Study Guide - Final Guide: Scantron Corporation, Improper Integral, Maxima And Minima

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1 Oct 2018
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MATH 1004 Full Course Notes
MATH 1004 Full Course Notes
Verified Note
39 documents

Document Summary

Department name and course number: school of mathematics and statistics, Math 1004 a, b, c, d, e, f. Blank sheets of paper provided by the university. C, d, e, f), your name and your student number where required on the scantron form: the examination consists of two sheets of legal size paper. It is out of a total of 100 and consists of 25 multiple choice questions each worth 4 marks please ll in only one answer on your. Scantron sheets with a pencil as there is only one answer to any given question. Circling two or more answers to any question invalidates that question (i. e. , you get 0 marks for that question). Return only the duly completed scantron form, not the examination nor your work: [4 marks] let f (x) = |x 1| + |x 3|. , for x (cid:54)= 0, and f (x) = a, for x = 0.