LING 1100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Polysynthetic Language, Idiolect, Sound Change

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Document Summary

Linguistics is the scientific study of language. Mental grammar: about knowledge of language (whatever you have learned people know grammar) Ug: hypothesis (chomsky"s hypothesis) -> idea that we come to the world with innate knowledge, predisposition to learn languageprewired (explain why kids learn so much and so quickly) Cp: proposed by lenneberg (prewired for learning languages but this capacity gets switched off at some point around puberty. Minimal pairs, natural classes, phonological rules, allophones & phonemes. Syntax (word order, syntactic categories, grammatical functions (subjects and objects), hierarchical structure (subject and verb phrase are different chunks ) Animal communication -> hocketts design features (no animals have all of these features) Dialectal variation: language, dialect, idiolect // accent. Dialect all level of languages while accent talks about phonetics and phonology. Burnett (nb english // st. stephen & calais) Sociolinguistics -> varies from social class, age, gender, social networks. Dependent variable (what you are studying, does this change) // independent (fixed)