LAWS 3908 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Falsifiability, Scientific Method, Empiricism

87 views15 pages
16 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Research methods and science as a way of thinking. Prediction and explanation- based on a theory, predictions are made to explain the social world. Systematic observation and empiricism- using the five sense as predicted by theory, data, on events and behaviours. Scientific reasoning- using rationality and logic, a theory or model is created based on the findings (knowledge) Transparency- the research process is documented so that another person could conduct the study again. Provisional- the results are analyzed by other researchers for limitations and alternative explanations. Non-scientific knowledge makes us vulnerable to errors in reasoning and logic. Authority- authority figures (teachers, parents, scientists, politicians, etc. ) make a claim to knowledge that becomes true by virtue of their experience, expertise, or credentials their status influences our judgement on truth of the knowledge. Tradition- knowledge based on traditions is grounded in the past/believe something because that"s how it has always been (provincialism cultural impact on view)