LAWS 3306 Study Guide - Final Guide: Elder Abuse, Labeling Theory, Control Theory

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Document Summary

Documentaries: definitions of how deviant beh. Statistical: social response to deviancne (how people respond to deviant behaviour changes over time depending on how commits the act and watches the act, four theoretical types of deviance by howard. Politicians and activists that try to change laws and create rukes. Rule enforces people hired to enforce rules i. e. police, security: how deviant beh differs from criminal. All criminal behaviour is deviant but not all deviant behaviour is criminal: theories to criminal behaviour. Anomie strain theory robert k merton. Various values articulated by travis herschi (attatchment, commitment, involvement, belief) John braithwaites shaming theory reintegrative and stigmatic (diff between two) Conflict theory richard quinnys social reality theory. Primary and secondary deviance edwin lemarts theory. Various stages and how to apply them. Why people join deviant groups and what are the rationalities. Steps of social science research and approached select research problem and follow various steps and diff ways in which questionnaires are designed.