LAWS 2908- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 20 pages long!)

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More than just a story : case carry authority, they are the law (primary source); they are enforced & to be be followed. Supreme court of canada: 9 judges, final court of appeal, hears appeals from less than 3% of the decisions of the courts of appeals across. Canada: hears issues of law, rarely hears evidence, rarely determines issues of fact, hears reference questions. Ontario court of appeal: 22 judges, hears issues of law, rarely hears evidence, rarely determines issues of fact, hears reference questions, has jurisdiction over criminal & civil appeals from ontario courts. Ontario court of justice (provincial court: approx. I feel happier as i gradually develop the law from one factual situation to another, and see the principles develop as we go along. Lord goff (distinguished judge of the uk hl) The appellant treated himself with calamine lotion, but the irritation was such that he scratched the places until he bled.