LAWS 2301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Evolution, Precedent, Mothers Against Drunk Driving

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The federal, provincial, and municipal division of powers, roles and responsibilities with respect to criminal law and justice (and especially policing: federal. Enforce provincial laws and criminal code: municipal. Enforce criminal code, provincial statutes, municipal bylaws, some federal statutes (e. g. , drugs) Largest numbers of officers of any level. May be contracted to rcmp or provincial force. The agency most involved in making decisions about the release of federal inmates: parole board. The approximate annual cost of policing in canada (according to griffiths: billion. The two critical ingredients of a crime: mens rea and actus reus. The standards of proof required in civil and criminal cases: civil law. The nature of discretion and disparity in the criminal justice system: the freedom to choose between different options when confronted with the need to make a decision, professional autonomy of criminal justice.