LAWS 2202 Study Guide - Final Guide: Peter Sutcliffe, Social Change, Saka

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21 Dec 2015

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If yes, go to step 2 if no. Determine whether the standard of care was met in this particular situation. Step 3: causation if there was a breach of the standard of care: was the breach the cause of the injury to the plaintif. Social host liability breach of a duty of care to road users when guests who drink and drive away are involved in collisions that cause personal injury jordan house case. Police liability: breach of a duty of care to victims of criminal activity (personal injury) or to suspects (wronged convictions), no general liability to the public. They can be liable to the public if it is a distinct and liable case examples: yorkshire ripper case . Examples of contracts: cellphones, housing, credit cards, employment, internet, cable, hydro, providers. No, only when it is regarding land so long as the conditions required to make a contract are met.