LAWS 1000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Legal Positivism, Negative Liberty, Critical Legal Studies

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Serious offences according to the criminal code- and by what court should it be tried. Section 101 1967 constitution- in terms of creating law and the power to create law. Notion of injustice- cultural issues- the principles of the court. Access to justice (judi care and legal aid) Ontario small claim courts- and their jurisdictions. Who overviews the legal practices in ontario. Lawyers (thinking like a lawyer and what is the definition of thinking like a lawyer) The selection of juries- and under what jurisdiction- how do we select them. Why could a judge be removed from the bench- or if you with to challenge a judge- how would you go about it. Jane doe case in toronto _what was it about ** Law- liberalism and its critiques and its onology. Charter and rights and freedoms- the heart of the charter tensions in the charter-clauses. Laskin ** (what judges are not suppose to do- their behaviours)