LAWS 1000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ratio Decidendi, Provincial Superior, Mechanical And Organic Solidarity

208 views11 pages
11 Jul 2014

Document Summary

It is most beneficial to you to write this mock midterm under exam conditions. 1 complete the midterm in 1 1/2 hour(s). After the time limit, go back over your work with a different colour or on a separate piece of paper and try to do the questions you are unsure of. Record your ideas in the margins to remind yourself of what you were thinking when you take it up at pass. Use this mock exam as a learning tool in preparing for the actual exam. Please note: come to the pass session with your mock exam complete. There, you can work with other students to review your work: often, there is not enough time to review the entire exam in the pass session. Decide which questions you most want to review the facilitator may ask students to vote on which questions they want to discuss: facilitators do not bring copies of the mock exam to the session.