[JOUR 2501] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 56 pages long Study Guide!

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Responsible and liable for everything you publish on social media/online. Liability means that if you"re sued, you will have to pay damages. Social media is not a free for all- it has limitations. Ignorantia legis neminem excusat= ignorance of the law is no excuse/defense. Law- rules and regulations that govern our behaviour. Courts interpret the law and sometimes end up making the law based on their interpretations. 2 main bodies of law- civil and criminal law. Civil law disputes between individuals, section of private rights. Criminal law used by state to punish offences against the state and society, to enforce a standard of behaviour on the citizen of the society in which they"re in. e. g. impaired driving, sexual assault, etc. All prosecutions are launched in the name of the people. E. g. car crash through red light- if drunk driving, becomes criminal for negligence/impaired driving. Lawsuits- let people collect damages if law finds that they were hurt.