GINS 1020- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 17 pages long!)

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Also leading to mutual dependence and transnational connections leads to a need for more international agreements: movement, entire world is on the move so it may seem. #2: this means that territorial policies have di culties protecting themselves against. Thursday, september 7, 2017 unwanted ows: re-embedding, widespread family of responses to disembedding tendencies of globalization can be described as re-embedding, re-embedding is a form of re-appropriation in culturally relevant ways. Cultural study of human beings, which seeks to nd the generalities about human life while also explaining di erences. Examples including transcultural and historical perspectives that cross cut time + space. Culture wasn"t in the circle/bounded group but culture instead is the space in between. Culture is hybridity in-between spaces are the sides of culture; conjuncture and disjuncture as some would say. > capitalist ows; the world is a system. Similarity of the processes or structure of one cultural group or organization to those of another.