ERTH 2415 Midterm: Natural Disasters Lessons 1-9 (2017 winter)

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Document Summary

Lesson 1 intro: disaster: greek astrological: unfavorable position of a celestial body. Natural hazards(inevitable): source of potential hazard that exists in the environment = potential to cause harm (eg rock slides: (cid:1490)(cid:895)(cid:914)(cid:933)(cid:934)(cid:931)(cid:914)(cid:925)(cid:1491) (cid:917)(cid:922)(cid:932)(cid:914)(cid:932)(cid:933)(cid:918)(cid:931)(cid:932) (cid:928)(cid:919)(cid:933)(cid:918)(cid:927) (cid:933)(cid:931)(cid:922)(cid:920)(cid:920)(cid:918)(cid:931)(cid:918)(cid:917) (cid:936)(cid:921)(cid:918)(cid:927) (cid:932)(cid:928)(cid:916)(cid:922)(cid:918)(cid:933)(cid:938) (cid:922)(cid:920)(cid:927)(cid:928)(cid:931)(cid:918)(cid:932) (cid:927)(cid:914)(cid:933)(cid:934)(cid:931)(cid:914)(cid:925) hazards. Vulnerability: likelihood that a community will suffer injuries, deaths or property damage from a hazardous event. Resilience: reduction in likelihood for community suffering by taking various steps (eg. burying power lines) (reduction of vulnerability) Frequency: # of occurrences of similar events per unit of time (per year) Return period: length of time between similar events (eg severe hurricanes occur in the us about every. Magnitude: amount of energy fuelling a natural disaster event (force/amplitude) low= frequent (short return); high = rare (long return period) Gravity: forces of attraction (m1 vs. m2) separated by distance r (f = g m1 m2 / r2) Solar energy source: sun energy fuels hydrologic cycle (formation of solar nebula (sun/planets)