ERTH 2401 Study Guide - Maiasaura, Homeothermy, Dromaeosaurus

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10 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Lecture 22: ectothermy vs. endothermy: richard owen coined word dinosaurs , ectothermy = cold blooded eg. dimetrodon, endothermy = warm blooded. A cold blooded animal can move into the sun to heat up therefor is no longer cold blooded becoming agile and can strike. Body temperature variation: homeotherms = organism in which the internal body temperature remains constant, poikilotherms = organisms in which the internal body temperature varies. Poikilotherms: ectothermic poikilotherms - most modern reptiles, endothermic poikilotherms - bats/hummingbirds (need to work at a high activity level and need a constantly higher body temperature ) Resting metabolism: metabolism = level of internal activity (cellular respiration and burning calories, resting metabolism- level of internal activity with animal is at rest. Metabolism: tachymetabolic: an animal whose metabolism remains at a high level - typical of endotherms. Ectotherms cannot sustain energy for as long: bradymetabolic: an animal whose metabolism slows to a low level of activity when resting.