[ENGL 1500] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 23 pages long Study Guide!

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29 Mar 2017
ENGL 1500
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o The workshop dynamic is based on reciprocity
If ou do’t offer oets to our peers, the o’t feel opelled to
do the same for you
o Also ased o the priiple that ritig is reisio
o Reveal how collaborative writing is or can be
o Behind eer estseller is a tea of ideal readers, editors, agets, puliists,
all of whom contribute to the final product
o Writing can be solitary, yes; but editing and publishing is often a team effort
How to comment on writing (creative or otherwise)
o Identify a strength + why
o Identify an area that could use some improvement; indicate how this could be
o Identify and insight/inspiration (ex. What did this writing teach you about
life/human nature/ your own writing, moving forward etc.)
Less is ore
o Saying the most with the least
o This does’t ea that eah ord is soli. Rather, ords are hose i
deference to supporting the characters, mood, setting, and any other element
that builds the world of the story. Sometimes a rose is just a rose
o Limit adjectives and adverbs, modifiers that describe nouns and verbs,
Instead, choose strong, specific nouns and verbs, those which stand on
their own.
He alked arefull = He rept/tiptoed
He looked at her suspiiousl = He srutiized/eed her
The thik, sturd tree = The oak/redood tree
His sall, oe-floor house = His ugalo
o All words count, even the title
Popular Mechanics was a magazine designed for men back in the day
Magazie aout fiig thigs ut this dude a’t fix relationship
Francine Prose
o An author and essayist
o American
o Known for Reading as a Writer and The Blue Angel (about a creative writing
professor and his student)
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Can creativity be taught?
o Let your teachers be the books/poems you read
Line Editing
o Focuses on the language
o As opposed to a copy edit = editing for grammar, syntax
Close Reading
o Read text as a self-contained, self-referential entity, not determined by the
author’s iograph or soio-political position
o Look into a text for meaning; not outside of it
o A formalist method of reading a text
Anton Chekhov
o Born in Russia in 1860
o A medical doctor, short story writer, playwright, and essayist
o The Lad ith the Dog is his ost faous stor
o Died in 1904
o Massively influential on how contemporary literature and the short story
Chekhov vs. Carver
o Spare, economical language
o Eerda, real-life characters
o Observed characters rather than judged them
o Full-realized the potential of the short-story form
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Document Summary

Study guide: workshops, the workshop dynamic is based on reciprocity. Identify an area that could use some improvement; indicate how this could be improved. What did this writing teach you about life/human nature/ your own writing, moving forward etc. : (cid:862)less is (cid:373)ore(cid:863, saying the most with the least, this does(cid:374)"t (cid:373)ea(cid:374) that ea(cid:272)h (cid:449)ord is (cid:862)s(cid:455)(cid:373)(cid:271)oli(cid:272)(cid:863). Rather, (cid:449)ords are (cid:272)hose(cid:374) i(cid:374) deference to supporting the characters, mood, setting, and any other element that builds the world of the story. Sometimes a rose is just a rose: limit adjectives and adverbs, modifiers that describe nouns and verbs, respectively. Writing it through can help understand and move beyond your pain: lynn coady, born in nova scotia in 1970, carleton university grad, winner of 2013 giller prizer for hellgoing, flight of the wendybird. Lecture overview: discuss poetry of witness, discuss screenwriting, visit from sarah mcvie, hand back exams.