ECON 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Body Mass Index, Sex Steroid, Prenatal Hormones And Sexual Orientation

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*social psych is not on the midterm but not on the final examination. *principal types of psychological tests: mental ability tests intelligence (general), aptitude (specific), Achievement tests: personality scales there are no right or wrong answers. *key concepts in psychological testing: standardization test norms (provide information about where a score on a psychological test ranks in relation to other scores on that test) The closer the correlation coefficient gets to either -1. 00 or +1. 00, the stronger the relationship. A negative correlation means that two variables co-vary in opposite directions. At a minimum, reliability estimates for psychological tests must be moderately high positive correlations. Most reliability coefficients fall between 0. 70 and 0. 95. *the evolution of intelligence testing: sir francis galton (1869, hereditary genius = states that success runs in families because intelligence is inherited. He developed a crude mental abilities test based on sensory acuity: nature vs nurture referring to the heredity-environment.