Document Summary

Instructions: take your time to go through this mock exam and answer as many questions as possible. Try to do it without using your notes, as it will help to test your knowledge of the course material. True or false: circle whether the statement is true or false: true or false. Becarria believed that the criminal justice system of his time had a set/well defined order. (false: true or false. Becarria believed that for an action to be a crime it must harm others. If an act does not harm others and is punished this is an unjust expression of power. (true: true or false. Right realism is usually associated with the left side of the political spectrum. (false: true or false. Becarria and bentham were criticized for making a subjective, limited actor: true or false. Phrenology examines similarities in appearance between criminals and animals. (false: true or false.