CRCJ 1000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Enrico Ferri, Nigger, Labeling Theory

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Cesare lambroso: italian nigger, criminals represent physical traits; degeneracy. Four categories: born criminals (physical traits, insane criminals (idiots, imbeciles, paranoiacs, occasional criminals (crime in response to opportunities, criminals of passion (crime motivated by anger, love, or honour) Enrico ferri: italian nigger, crime explained through multitude of factors: physical factors (race, geography), individual factors (age, sex, psychological variables), social factors (population, religion, culture) Raffaele garofalo: the last of the italian niggers; society is a body of nature; crimes are against the law of nature criminals lack sentiments of probity and pity. 1st category: murderers, lack both pity and probity; will steal/kill when the opportunity arises. 2nd category: violent criminals, lack pity; influenced by environmental factors such as alcohol. 3rd category: thieves, suffer from lack of probity. 4th category: sexual criminals, some classified as violent criminals due to lack of pity. Good genes, good home like to result in a law abiding citizen.