[CRCJ 1000] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (95 pages long!)

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Crcj1000 week 2: understanding crime and criminology. The body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon. Edwin sutherland a criminologist who originally defined criminology as the making, breaking & social reaction of laws : limited definition. Criminology is very much interested in crime as its defined as law, but also in things like deviance & social sanctions (not always related to law) Norms, normality & normativity: norms common vs. frequent (ex. celebrating christmas in north america, normal normal vs. abnormal (ex. celebrating hanukah, normative a morally-endorsed ideal (ex. wearing helmets whilst biking) An interdisciplinary study: includes psychology, sociology, law, etc, weakness bc. there are clashes between subjects. What defines who a victim is: ex. the etiology what role does the brain/community have in causing crime, ex. the processes of criminalization. Criminology academic: theoretical & empirical approach to understanding crime & deviance, interested in the meaning of crime, its causes & its control, research = less policy oriented, ex.