CGSC 2001- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 97 pages long!)

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Plato (428-347 bce) non-material part (example: the soul): mind-body dualism the mind is made up of a physical (material) part and a, body source of senses and base desires. Hunger, sex, etc: soul seat of reason (source of knowledge), seat of intellect, and brings life to the body (cid:498)psyche(cid:499, student of socrates (cid:523)(e"s a philosopher and he was an educator(cid:524). Plato writes dialogues and makes characters off of his teacher socrates. Through these dialogues he is writing about his philosophical thoughts: (e made up the (cid:498)soul(cid:499) part of things because we know there are things we cannot touch and see. Plato the forms/ideas: example: beauty (nature). A sunset isn"t beautiful because it is orange: universals: properties that classify; for example, angels in a triangle = 180. Plato imagines that there is a whole other realm where the perfect form of everything exists; this is called the forms.