CGSC 1001- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 30 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Cognitive systems: transforms things in the environment to internal representation, turns desires to act into physical changes in the environment. Representations are stored in memory: animal brain, long-term memory, short-term memory, software databases, symbols, distributed system paper, brain, disk, environment manipulation. Sensory memory: whe(cid:374) you hear it (cid:271)ut it is delayed (cid:271)e(cid:272)ause you are(cid:374)"t allowi(cid:374)g it to pro(cid:272)ess. Short-term memory: temporarily stored, some of the memory end up becoming long-term memories. Long-term memory: may stay in memory forever but might have trouble retrieving the memory. Learning: when you learn, your brain is preparing you for the future. Sensitization: when a response is amplified exposure to a stimulus, ex: at first you can barely feel a vibrating phone in your pocket, but eventually you become very sensitive to it. Operant conditioning: positive reinforcement (the strongest, someone smiles at you when you hold the door for him or her, negative reinforcement, a baby screams until you give them candy.