BIOL 2104 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pteridine, Ommochrome, Salivary Gland

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It"s a simulation program that helps us investigate various aspects of mendelian genetics. We can study the mode of transmission of various mutations in drosophila melanogaster(fruit fly) All traits in fly lab are either dominant or recessive. We can cause phenotypic changes in the fruit fly: bristles, body color, antennal form, eye color, etc. When selecting a mutation the mutation you select will always be homozygous unless the trait is lethal in the. Incomplete dominance cannot be studied using this simulation homozygous condition. In this case, flylab generates a fly that is heterozygous four that mutation. Only 1 allele per trait can be chosen. *design* - allows selection of the phenotypes of males and females. After selection of flies we must choose "10 000 flies" for the # of offspring we want to produce. The total # of offspring may not be exactly 10 000 b/c of flylab built-in experimental error.