BIOL 1902 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Boreal Owl, Muskrat, Torpor

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American bittern points its beak vertically to make the stripe beak match its surroundings (tall grasses, etc. ) Female spruce grouse has blotches of earth-tone colours in a dappled pattern. Grey tree frogs fold their legs together and its markings come together. I think canadian geese have that white throat mark for cdc. Body shape camouflage is another form of concealment besides colour. Water beetle that has top half black, bottom half white. Things over the water can"t see it well and same from below. Countershading dark parts of the body shades and darkens the lighter sides. Deer have white bellies that are shaded by their darker top. Underwing moths have brightly coloured underwings to startle predators if they get too close. Some caterpillars have a bright red-snake like little tongue. Beavers slap their tails to make a really loud sound and startle things near it.