BIOL 1902 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Eastern Cottontail, Apparent Death, Toxicodendron Radicans

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Natural history midterm notes- doc 2 of 7. Plan a animals bluff their size when predators approach as a behavioural defence: american toads have bufotaun toxin in skin glands and puff up, hog-nosed snakes inflates head with air. Plan b play dead as defence mechanism: hog-nosed snake (thanatosis, blister beetles, possums. In winter, white-tailed deer (gather) yard together = safety in numbers: birds flock together to visually confuse predator/safety in numbers. Group defence can be aggressive: yellowjacket wasps (social wasps) attack pheromone= summon members = ward off predators, mobbing-- birds give alarm calls= summon more birds to protect against predator. Ex. birds during day mob owl= clear area before nightfall= keep family safe before owl hunts. Some animals have bodyguards --carpenter ants guard aphids, in exchange, aphids eject honeydew for ants to eat. When they flee from predators, their tails indicate an awareness that they"re being chased.