BIOL 1902 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Milk Snake, Eyeline Match, Ruffed Grouse

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What is natural history: nature animals, reptiles and amphibians and living, dynamic plants, herps: reptiles & amphibians, observational science of living plants and animals- flora/fauna and their interactions, general interest in natural history is a naturalist. Concealment hidden from view: appearances camouflage, background matching (matching its background, cryptic behaviour (standing still (motionless) not causing a scene, so blending in) During day can hide on bark/inside tree cavities. This is called bark mimicry- copying surroundings to blend in. With the changing seasons, animals need to change appearance to background match-- ex. Snowshoe hares seasonally colour change to adapt to changing background: colour patterns can also be used for concealment ex. Leopard frog: group coincident disruptive colouration ex. milk snake. This startles and deflects predator attack= distraction/deflection pattern. Within a forest, there are multiple types of underwing moths w/ diff. patterns, so predators can"t learn all the startle techniques.