BIOL 1902 Study Guide - Final Guide: Turkey Vulture, Pinguicula, Conifer Cone

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Aggressive mimicry the animal uses their body parts to lure in prey. Strong toes equipped with talons (modified claws) tools of choice for capturing things for predators: ex. Osprey have special feet for catching fish: the outer toe is reversible (cid:131) ex. Owls also have a reversible toe conditions of difficulty to see: scales on underside of toes for grip. Modified bills tooth like projections on bills to catch fish: ex. (common) merganser) some ducks. Mammals that are hunters will use canines (teeth) to capture fish - canines require muscles, they are powered by the temporalis. Frogs use their tongue (called a tongue flick) The hyoid horns (process or apparatus) extend the tongue and sticky salvia on their tongues to help snap their prey: ex. Wolves killer larger prey by (cid:862) lash and hock(cid:863) Foxes use (cid:862) hake and break(cid:863) with their canines to kill prey.