BIOL 1003 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Chromosome, P680, Photosynthesis

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Hershey and chase: t2 bacteriophage bacteria that kills bacteria and produces viral properties by mimicking cycles: allows phage to infect different groups of cells and break phage from bacteria and see which radioactivity (in palette, dna carries all info not proteins; 32p was found not 32s, since 32p was component of dna, after mixing the infected bacteria with phages, they found no radioactivity and none in progeny phages, were found inside not in phages removed by blender. Gene transcription: rna sequence is the same as that of the coding strand of dna except that u replaces t, mrna is built in a 5" 3" direction by reading the template strand in 3" 5", 5" agtcgca 3" (coding strand, 3" tcagcgt 5" (template strand, 5" agucgca 3" (mrna strand, alternative splicing: different versions are mrna can be produced, intron loops are cut off and degraded in cell, exon shuffling: generates new proteins by rearranging coding regions.