ARTH 1100 Final: Words & Concepts

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Wedge-shaped stone block used to build an arch. Style in which artists concern themselves w/ describing the exterior likeness of an object/person, usually by rendering its visible details in a finely executed, meticulous manner. In architecture, a circular opening; usually found either as windows or at the apex of a dome. * when at the top of a dome, an oculus is either open to the sky or covered by a decorative exterior lantern. The topmost voussoir at the center of an arch, and the last block to be placed; pressure of this block holds the arch together. A series of connected arches extended in sequence along a line. When 2 barrel-vaulted spaces intersect each other at the same level. When the column is resting against a wall. On a small scale, often used as decoration, whereas larger exedrae can form interior spaces. Light encircling, or emanating from, the entire figure of a sacred person.