ALDS 1001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dialogic, Indirect Speech, Symbolic Capital

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Due at the beginning of class on february 4, 2013. Directions: to complete this assignment you need to review all the material covered so far in the course, including the textbook, companion website linked to culearn (especially, the glossary and flashcards), lectures and lecture slides, guided reading. Read the test questions for the first time. If you know answers to some questions, write them right away. For other questions, locate answers in the course materials, paraphrase them in your own words, and write the answers. You may quote an essential phrase, but not more that that. A quote should be accompanied by an explanation. You must provide in-text citations and corresponding references for all direct quotes. It would be helpful for your readers if you provided in-text citations for the sources wherein you had located the answers that you later paraphrased. Please provide a list of references at the end of the test, with all references corresponding to in-text citations.