SOCI 2P90 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Second-Wave Feminism, Third-Wave Feminism, Gender Role

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Most history about women is written by men. Women less valued because they didn"t work even though they kept the home running. Education wasn"t seen as important for women or girls not taught to read or write. Industrialization and wars couldn"t have happened without women. Sex: biology, biological maleness or femaleness, the characteristics related to reproduction. Gender: nonphysical aspects of being female or male, cultural expectations for femininity or masculinity or our ideas of masculinity and femininity. When you"re taking about gender, change can happen. Gender is constantly changing, gender is a performance. Stereotypes: the major way we categorize people, classifications of others according to some categorical membership, belief systems that guide how we process information. Bias perceptions: our perceptions exaggerate the similarities within a group, and the contrast between the groups. Stereotypes do not represent reality with great accuracy.