SOCI 1F90 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Montesquieu, Michel Foucault, Critical Race Theory

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Peter berger: transformation of consciousness: sees the general and the particular of the sociological imagination: ability to look at unique events or circumstances and recognize larger general features involved. Sociological perspective: common sense ideas are uncritical and based on bad research, a sociological perspective dissects the relationships between individuals and the larger social networks in which they live. Living on the margins of society and living through a social crisis promote the sociological perspective. Dominant: white, middle-upper class, able bodied, straight, christian, male: certain groups gain privilege, most advantaged groups are least likely to use the sociological perspective. Sociology- the systematic study of human groups and their interactions: allows us to assess the truth of common sense , empowers us to be active participants in society, helps us to see the opportunities and constraints in our lives. Metaphysical stage: questioning teachings of the church, people have.